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Art Competition

Currently closed! (May do another one next year.)

Majestics0ck (12).png

Win 1 year of Unlimited 21Draw Classes!

Submit your entry
on discord!

if you have any questions, please send an email or submit a form in the contact page

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where is the notion homework?


1. Click the link on the right
2. Assignments are located within each topic ("More Drinks" at the top). They are also located under the assignment link at the bottom right
3. Homework answers are available on the left under "Resources" if needed

2. How old do I have to be?

There's no age limit! However, if you're under 13 years old, send me your entree through email instead of discord! (hellomajestics0ck@gmail.comThis is because you have to be at least 13 to have a discard account.

3. Can I see an example submission?



4. What are we going to be judged on?

How well you applied the notion topics you chose to study!((: Here is a link to the notion study guide: link

5. Where can I send my questions when I need help?

Email me, send me a discord message, or DM me on instagram!



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